Distribuciones Parejo

Our products are shipped with secure packaging to ensure they arrive in optimal condition. If you encounter any issues with the packaging, such as damage or breakage, upon receiving the shipment, please mention it on the transport agency's receipt. If these circumstances are not reported, a return will not be possible.

In accordance with current legislation, we accept returns at no cost to the customer in the following cases:

Excess fat: For Iberian hams, it is normal for them to have a fat content of over 30% of the total weight, and this is even more noticeable in Iberian shoulders, especially in 100% Iberian acorn-fed shoulders.

Unpleasant odor or taste after starting to use the product. For hams and shoulders, returns will not be accepted once the product has been started if the weight loss exceeds 10% of the initial weight. In all these cases, quality control by the corresponding manufacturer's quality department will be carried out before proceeding with the refund or replacement of the product.

We do not accept returns based on the image or aesthetics of the product if it is not to the customer's liking.

Returns with a cost to the customer:

We accept returns of any product in our catalog within 14 calendar days of receiving the order, in accordance with current legislation. However, in these cases, the return costs will be the responsibility of the buyer. The refund will be processed once we receive the returned products and verify that they are in exactly the same condition as when they were shipped, with the original packaging and in perfect condition. In the case of Iberian hams and shoulders, they must include the corresponding colored label around the hoof for the return to be accepted.

We do not accept returns for other reasons, such as personal preferences regarding the curing point, saltiness level, personal tastes, etc. If you have specific preferences regarding the curing point, please indicate them in the order notes. For any additional queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following email address: info@jamonjamones.com Please note that orders placed in December may experience delays due to the high volume of goods by transport companies. In these cases, returns will not be justified, and shipping costs will apply. We reserve the right to modify product images according to their availability.